no et perdis...

divendres, 15 de novembre del 2013

Braguetes I- MsMW

Últimament  vaig  molt atrafegada amb  la  feina i la família, i tot  i que  m'agradaria  publicar  més al  bloc no hi ha  manera  de trobar el temps... però cosir, segueixo cosint sempre que  puc.

Avui us  vull  ensenyar  les  braguetes de  prova que  he  cosit per  participar a la MsMW de  la pantigana. Ho han  muntat  entre  l'Angie  de  la Pantigana  i  na  Yolanda  de  Pandielleando.  Gràcies  guapes!

Com us  he  dit és  una  prova, completament  utilitzable  i que  penso estrenar demà mateix, però estic esperant  que  m'arribi un foe decorat  que  he  encarregat!!!

La tela  que  he  utilitzat  la  vaig comprar  a una botiga  alemanya ja fa temps. És molt  elàstica  i fineta; fa  pinta de ser  molt  còmoda. El FOE el tenia  per  casa amb  la  idea  de  fer-li unes braguetes a la meva  filla, però de moment  haurà d'esperar, jeje.

divendres, 1 de novembre del 2013

Geranium dress

I'm REALLY behind in posting  my projects. In fact, most  of them remind  in the dark and  are  never blogged. Snif, snif. There's very little spare time  in my  daily routine, so I mostly  invest  it  in sewing rather  than blogging.

This is a wearable muslin of the geranium dress. I sewed it several months ago,

but it sit on a shelf waiting for some buttons on the back...

I solved it with some heart shaped snaps, though.

When Rae launched this pattern there were only the smaller sizes available. Although she promised to have the bigger sizes ready for summer, I couldn't wait. I was in love with this dress. So I bought the small sizes pattern and drafted size 7 myself.  I'm so happy I did it! There are, of course, many  details  to be  fixed, but I'm happy with the experience.
I bought te bigger sizes version when it was available, since pattern grading   takes  A LOT  of time, and  that's exactley what  I  need: time. Soooo, I really  think it's worth buying the  pattern and  being  sure everything is  going to fit  perfectly. You can expect  more geraniums  coming  up next  summer. Sure.

Unfortunately, my daughter thinks she's too old to wear a "baby print" and refuses to wear the dress again ...snif, snif .

She's growing up so fast!