Finalment he aconseguit acabar el tutorial, després d'un munt de problemes amb l'ordinador (el menudet de la casa el va fer caure a terra i l'hem hagut de reparar)
I finally suceeded in finishing the tutorial, after having trouble with our laptop (my little boy managed to make it fall to floor and we had it to be repaired)
Finalment, i per problemes per penjar el document al google docs, la part de cosir la AINA SHIRT té dos parts en lloc d'una (disculpeu les molèsties). Aquí les teniu:
Finally, and because of issues with google docs, the assembly part of the AINA SHIRT tutorial has two parts instead of one (sorry for the inconveniences). Here they are:
Esper que en faceu un munt i les fotografieu i les pengeu al grup de flickr que he obert expressament:
I hope you sew many of these and, please, upload the photos of your AINA shirts/dresses at the flickr group I've created:
A la columna de la dreta del bloc hi ha un enllaç al grup de flickr per a que sigui més fàcil.
On the right column of the blog you can find a link to the flickr group too.
I per a que ningú no tengui excusa per a fer-ne una... a la botiga de HEIDI AND FINN podeu aconseguir el patró de la girly little blouse (en el qual es basa el meu tutorial) o qualsevol altre que us agradi amb la ofeta BOGO (buy one get one free). Això vol dir dos patrons pel preu d'un!!!! (Estan exclosos de l'oferta el comfy yoga suit i tots els lots que ja inclouen descompte). Per a obtenir l'oferta heu d'escriure el codi: MFBOGOJN i el patró gratis que voleu a l'espai "note to seller" quan faceu el checkout. Així de fàcil. El més difícil serà decidir-se per només dos patrons! Té autèntiques preciositats!
And because I don't want anyone to have an excuse not to make one... at HEIDI AND FINN's etsy shop you can get the girly little blouse pattern (I based my tutorial on it) or any other pattern you preffer with a BOGO offer (Buy One Get One Free). This means you can get two patterns for the price of one!!!(This offer exckudes the comfy yoga suit pattern and any package deals (i.e. 5 for 25) To obtain this deal you will need to mention the coupon code MFBOGOJN along with the free pattern of your choice in the 'note to seller' section when paying. That easy. The most difficult part is deciding whih are your two favourite patterns! She's got beautiful patterns!
IMPORTANT NOTE: L'oferta dura només una setmana (fins el 16 de juny). Afanyeu-vos!
IMPORTANT NOTE: This offer will be good for one week only (that's till the 16th of june). Hurry up!
The judges chose this as one of the top Ten in the Pattern Remix Challenge. Now its time to vote :)
Good luck!
So cute! The button detail is adorable. Visiting from Tea Rose Home.
ResponEliminaThank you for linking up to Sew Woodsy last week! This shirt is too cute!
ResponEliminaOh, Congratulation !!!
ResponEliminaYou did a great job, so you really deserved it
Hugs from Indonesia