Yesterday I received this award from Olga from El elefante rosa. Thank you Olga!!:
Per cert, feu una volteta pel seu bloc. Quan fa unes setmanes el vaig descobrir em va encantar. Als cinc minuts de passejar-hi ja m'havia fet seguidora!
By the way, go to her blog and have a 'walk' around it. I discovered it several weeks ago and I immediately loved it. Five minutes after discovering it I was already a follower of the blog.
Ara, per seguir les regles del premi em toca atorgar-lo de nou a 10 blocs. And the winners are...:
Now, to follow the award rules I must give this award to 10 blogs. And the winners are:
sense cap ordre en particular...
In no particular order...
- Jessica de/from Me sew crazy
- Jess de/ from Peanut to princess
- Marga de/from el batiburrillo de Marga
- Lidia de/from FILANT
-Cecilia de/from So tei-tei
- Trula de/from Trula·kids
- Chris de/from Pickup some creativity
- Caterina Pérez de/from
- Marta de/from Trossets del que penso
- Lorena de/from Mi esquina creativa
Finalment, aquestes són les condicions a complir quan s'ha rebut el premi:
Finally, this are the rules you have to follow once you have received the award:
- Mencionar qui te l'ha concedit amb un link al seu bloc /mention who awarded you with a link to his/her blog
- Escriure un post sobre el premi/Write a post about the award
- Concedir el premi a 10 blocs que considerem que el mereixen/ Give the award to 10 blogs you think should receive it.
- Posar un link a cadascun dels blocs premiats / link to every awarded blog.
- Avisar als propietaris dels blocs premiats / let know the owners of the awarded blogs they've received the award
Thanks so much Maria for your kindness to me. I appreciate it so much.
ResponEliminaHola María! moltes gràcies por donar-me el premi! m ha fet molta illusiò! Me encanta tu blog está lleno de energía y colorido! un abrazo
ResponEliminamoltíssimes gràcies maria! Quina i.lusió ♥
ResponEliminasort que has coemntat, perquè tens un blog molt bonic que a partir d'ara aniré seguint!
una abraçada gran.
Thank you very much. I feel flattered.
ResponEliminaMuchas gracias Maria!! Que honor recibir este premio! Estare escribiendo mi post tan pronto como encuentre un momento libre :)