no et perdis...

dilluns, 30 de maig del 2011


A principis de mes varem tenir  la festa del 65è aniversari del meu sogre. Com que era  una celebració especial volia que  la meva filla anés ben guapa i vaig decidir emprar aquest tutorial per a fer-li aquest vestit:

At the beginnings of this month we had the 65th birthday party of my father-in-law. Since it was an special celebration I wanted my daughter to dress specially too. I decided to use this tutorial to make her this dress:

La foto la vaig fer quan ja feia  unes hores  que duia el vestit i a més no es volia deixar fotografiar perquè volia anar a jugar, així que aquestes són les millors fotos que vaig  poder aconseguir. Al davall de  la falda li vaig fer un pettit-skirt (una falda de tres volants feta de tul blanc) per tal que  la falda del vestit tingués més volum.

I took this photos when she  had  worn the dress for several hours and she didn't want to be  photographed because she  wanted to go to play. So, these are the best photos I could take. Under the dress she's earing a pettit-skirt to give it more fullness.

10 comentaris:

  1. Adorable dress!! Love the fabric choice!

  2. Great job on the dress! I'm your newest follower and would love if you linked up at Sew Woodsy today!

  3. Lovely dress! i'm intrigued by your fabric combination.. i did not know grey could look that good!

    excellent work!

  4. the fabric.

  5. What a sweet dress. I miss the days of sewing for my little girl.
    You did a beautiful job! Visiting from Making it with Allie Party.

  6. Well done! I think she looks ready to party anywhere.

  7. Great job! Love the fabrics!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

  8. I love the dress! Thanks for sharing.

    I found your site through Blue Cricket Design. Feel free to check out my blog here: and become a follower too!

  9. A dress any little girl would adore! Good job! Love the fullness of the petticoat. I'm sure she felt like a princess (;
